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Happy Mother's Day

"Princess Dandelion" watercolor on paper 10".5 x 14".5 in./ 27 x 36 cm.

The Dandelion Vase

© Jennifer L. Holte

This vase may be quite tiny,
but its importance is monumental and grand!
For the love that went into each picked 'flower,'
was carefully chosen by your child's small hand.

How important these pesky 'flowers' become'
and how great they will make your day,
when your child comes running across your lawn'
'I picked these just for you,' they'll say!

No other flower can show your child's love,
than that of the dandelion in bloom!
For sometimes in the thicket of weeds,
God's love is revealed to you!

So each time you use this vase,
remember how great the reason!
For nothing can compare to the love of a child,
when the dandelions are in season!

Source: The Dandelion Vase, Children Poem

It is a painting of my youngest daughter, Luisa, when she was six. I wanted to capture the excitment, energy and wonder children have at this age. At the time, we were lucky to live next to a Nature Area. She and her sister were big explorers who loved to pick dandelions and buttercups. She was fond of wearing an old shiny blue skirt on her head which she dubbed her "blue long hair" which she complemented with a fancy dress with puffy sleeves. Wearing costumes all year at our house was "in"! Today she is close to finishing her first year of high school ... they grow up at the blink of an eye!

I wish you a Happy Mother's Day and a great weekend! 

 WIP ... it helps sometimes to work the painting upside down too!


  1. Wonderful painting it turned out well also enjoyed the work in progress pictures.

    1. Hi Roger, thank you for you kind words and I'm happy you liked the pictures!

  2. Awww, this is so sweet and well done. Love the expression on her face , you really captured the joy of giving her ( you) mother the flowers with all the love in her heart , so beautiful ! Happy mother's day to you Celia.

    1. Thank you so much Jane, I wish the same to you too!

  3. A beautiful post, a beautiful painting of a beautiful little girl! The joy is shining out of her, so happy with her posy! I walked with my two and a half grandson and we blew the seed heads off a dandelion...he blew and blew too, sweet! Now I'm collecting seed heads for when he comes....dotty granny! Thankyou for sharing this moment with us and happy Mothers Day to you too, may I wish you many bunches of dandelions and buttercups! Mrs A

    1. I'm happy you liked my post, Mrs. A. How fun it is to see the world through their eyes. Enjoy your grandson and thank you for the good wishes!

  4. it´s really sensitive and beautiful.
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Hola Celia! me gusta tu trabajo y tu blog, un saludo!

    1. Muchas gracias mari, estoy tan feliz de que te guste!

  6. It's a fantastic painting. Nice to see the progress of the painting from start to finish. Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  7. Happy Mother's Day Celia!
    This is just gorgeous of your daughter. You have painted it so beautifully and it will make a lovely heirloom to pass down to her. You can feel the love in both the painting and in the gift your daughter gave you in the flowers. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you Wendy! Your kind words mean a lot to me!

  8. Just beautiful!!! Felicitations

  9. Magnifico ritratto della piccola Luisa, molto bella l'espressione che hai colto. Complimenti Celia. Ciao.

  10. Grazie Tito, sei sempre molto gentile!

  11. Celia - what an absolutely gorgeous portrait. All the love you have for your daughter shines through and the flowers and poem just make this post extra special. Hope you had a wonderful mother's day. I so enjoyed seeing this piece of work. Bless you!

    1. You are so sweet Debbie! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me such a nice message!

  12. Really nice work Celia! I'm happy to have found your blog. Happy day!


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