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Show me the light!

Geranium Light
  watercolor on Cartiera Magnani paper
35 x 49 cm./ 13.5 x 19 inches

I started this painting back in September and decided to lay it aside soon afterwards. Honestly, I felt daunted by painting in a larger format, which I used to do often before but had finally put aside ( 20 years ago, yikes!). I pulled it out and decided to finally face the music.

I love the beautiful light pattern created by the rising sun shining from behind the flower. I was worried whether placing the flower in the middle would work or not, a few thumbnail sketches to work out my ideas first solved the problem.

It was challenging to work on the larger size , working on unfamiliar paper added much stress. I bought loose sheets back in September, by Cartiera Magnani, that I used for this project. In the end, it was fun. I just needed to get into a different mind-set.

thumbnail sketches always help

I hope everyone is enjoying the coming of Spring!


  1. Wow! This is a real beauty Celia! You've got to be real proud of this one, the setting and colors are glorious. What's different with this type of paper compared to Fabriano? Hugs

    1. Thank you for your kind encouragement, Helen! Fabriano paper never gives me problems, even the first time I used it. This paper soaks up a lot of pigment, but once wet it does stay wet for a while. Have a nice weekend!

  2. Georgeous! I love seeing the thumbnails. And the result is fantastic.
    Like Helen, I wonder about your new paper ?
    Hope spring will arrive soon..but today in Montreal, it is rain & snow!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment, Martine! It helps to experiment with different papers, in watercolors the surface effects the outcome a lot.
      I'm sorry you are having bad weather but it will help the spring flowers!

  3. Celia - this is really superb! The vibrant colors just dance on the paper. I am very timid working on large sheets too. Often times struggle to fill up all the space. How did you like the paper? It certainly looks like you did so well with this new type. I am always trying something new but generally stay with Fabriano and Arches. Some of my sketch paper is Canson and Kilimanjaro by Cheap Joes - Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

    1. Your comment just made me smile, so very nice!
      You hit the nail on the head, I felt it was a struggle to fill up the space. I can easily see your beautiful bird pieces in a larger format!
      I personally love Fabriano and would still need to try Arches but find it somewhat expensive. Have a wonderful weekend Debbie!

  4. This is glorious! And yes, I am so ready for spring!

    1. Thank you Ann, I appreciate your visit! I enjoyed your sea onto summer! :-)

  5. You really have captured the beautiful light

  6. love how it is reaching for the light. Vibrant colours and those hard to get greens just right

    1. Thank you ,Lorraine, in particular for mentioning the's always the hardest part for me!

  7. Red in Roma

    A spring flower
    blooms forth with a
    hint of Italy
    in the background,
    a lovely large
    the journey to
    get there, so nice,
    molto bello.

    1. Bruce, this is really special. I am touched by your thoughtful words! Thank you!

  8. You shouldn't worry, you have pulled this off perfectly, absolutely beautiful, a favorite ! Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you for always encouraging me, Jane! You are a wonderful art friend! :-)

  9. Love it, you´ve kidnapped the sun.

  10. Un lavoro magnifico Celia! Una combinazione di verdi davvero notevole e il rosso del fiore non poteva essere piĂ¹ bello. Complimenti!

  11. Oh, Celia, I'm so glad that you left the flower in the center...rules are made to be broken and this is a perfect example. Gorgeous colors, wonderful light, and a great feeling to this! Lovely work!!!

  12. You've done a wonderful job Celia. I agree with Joan T above! Have a great weekend.

  13. Hello Celia!
    Large and very colorful watercolors by your rock! Beautiful!!! Bravo! Love to see more!
    Keep it up!
    Your Celia Blanco Large Watercolor Loving Art Buddy Michael

  14. Such a bright and cheery painting Celia, I love the title you chose for this one!

  15. Precioso!. La primavera en tus manos.
    Un abrazo.

  16. Wow! I really love this piece! The contrast in those leaves, all the darks and lights among the green... it's breathtaking! And the contrast of hte red flower against the background is wonderful. I'm glad you decided to finish it! And the wall of sketches and studies is interesting to see, too. Thanks for sharing a bit about your process.

  17. This is stunning Celia! I'm a sucker for geraniums and you have done this one proud! You've done an amazing job with the sunshine - great shadows and highlights. Wonderful colours and tones in both the flower and the leaves. I also love your preliminary painting! I hope you are enjoying the first stirrings of spring. We are still getting hot weather but there are some signs of autumn in the air.

  18. What a beautiful painting. I love the feeling of space behind it. Hard to do with red so prominent but you managed to pull it off in great style.

  19. nice work! such a nice artist you are :) I really loved all your art works

  20. Celia, nothing beats a large watercolor of a single flower. And this surely is gorgeous.

  21. Me encanta Celia, una luz espectacular, muy primaveral! :)

  22. What a challenge it being so large. Great job and fabulous composition too.

  23. Beautiful work, Celia. Love the vibrant complimentary colors and used so well!


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