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In my sketchbook

Cloud study, love listening to the silence at the beach in autumn.

 Persimmon fruit and leaf study

Various sketches to experiment with the Tombow dual brush pen.

November came and went ... honestly, I was unable to devote time to painting or sketching. I feel I am behind on everything. I am promising myself to be more organized this month, catching up on visiting your blogs, always a source of genuine inspiration! 
Hope everyone is well.


  1. Lovely to see your sketches Celia, seems lots of bloggers have been having a rest not sure with Christmas almost upon us that the situation will change

    1. Thank you for your kind comment Lorraine!You're right, December is even more hectic!

  2. Always good to see your sketches and photos Celia! I have felt a little behind myself lately. I am hoping after the New Year I will have a bit more time for painting and a chance to get a little more organized.

    1. Thank you Debi, I am happy to know I am not alone,I guess this is probably why we start out the New Year with so many resolutions.

  3. Same for me! November is such a dark month... Just did some exercises in my painting, no nice projects !
    I like your sketching kit...
    Where is this beautiful beach?
    Wonder if there will be a Leslie Saeta's 30/30 in January: this is such a good challenge !

    1. Thank you Martine, this is Passoscuro beach, it is about a 25minute car drive from Rome. We should give ourselves the gift of painting time in December, don't you agree?! A warm hug to you!

  4. Or course I so love your sketches and your watercolors! But I so love your painting set up right on the beach! I also love the ocean! Love everything about it! I am so very happy picturing you happily painting by the sea! Ahh! I agree with Lorraine I think many of us are "falling behind" in posting and checking one another's blogs! Good goals for the next month! Me too! All day today I planned on setting some major time to paint! Best I could do was organize my studio and get my paints and more set up to paint tomorrow! Enjoy!

    1. I love the ocean just as much as you! Getting ourselves organized is an important part, I hope you will then breeze through it and enjoy your painting time! Thank you as always my friend!

  5. Lovely sketches Celia. You have already done three times more than I have this month. I need to catch up! Have a great day.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Carol, I do feel better!

  6. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas are always a blur!
    Glad to see you take the time to do something you love. And it shows!

    1. Thank you Carmella, I appreciate your visit and kind words! Have a wonderful day!

  7. These are all such nice sketches Celia and you're right! It's so hard to believe that November is gone! I love your cloud study!!

  8. Dear Celia - you may have been busy but so glad to see you took some time to do sketches and then share them. Your cloud study is gorgeous. I am sure you will be painting again soon. Have a delightful start to the Christmas Season.

    1. Thank you Debbie, I really appreciate your kind visit and comment!

  9. Bonjour chère amie,

    Il faut laisser le temps faire les choses... Ce n'est pas grave si vous ne parvenez pas Ă  tout faire... Je vis la mĂªme chose !
    J'apprécie que vous nous dévoiliez ces magnifiques aquarelles. Elles ont un charme fou !... Celle qui a le goût du silence sur la plage me parle...
    Avec plein de bisous ♡

    1. Thank you Martinealison, you are very sweet! Many kisses to you as well!

  10. Lovely sketches, Celia, I love the clouds! Enjoy that wonderful beach!

  11. The beach photograph is a daydream in reality. The angle you chose feels like being there. Beautiful sketches.

  12. Lovely sketches Celia! I guess it's that time of the year where we're afraid of missing on something. And we're not over Christmas yet!!!... Ha! Ha! Hugs

  13. Bonjour CĂ©lia,
    Quel endroit magnifique et tes croquis sont si beaux ❀

    Bisous et bonne journée


  14. Sometimes it is so hard to find the time to sketch. Nice cloud study and good richness in the persimmon. I like your experiments with the Tombow. It is a fun pen to use since it bleeds so nicely. I hope you find a bit of time to sketch this month but with the holidays it is so hard to find extra time. Enjoy!

  15. Lately I am so behind too and I think we are not alone , so much to do specially this time of the year. You've got some great sketches here, and I think they deserve getting developed into something bigger. Hugs.

  16. I love your sketches Celia and as is very apparent from all the comments you've received, you are not alone in feeling behind. I can add my own lament when it comes to lack of organisation and falling behind on blog comments and creating art. Let's hope we all feel reinvigorated with the arrival of 2015!

  17. These are pretty fabulous sketches, Celia. The one of the woman is especially powerful with lots of forward movement. My next fav is the beautiful persimmon.
    What gorgeous color you captured. Cloud studies are personal fav and I love yours.
    Time ... never enough time for an artist - evah!

  18. These are lovely sketches Celia! I am envious of you sitting at the beach....have a wonderful holiday season.

  19. What a nice blog you have, Celia - I am so glad to have come by to take a look! I especially love seeing your sketchbook open with the cloud painting at the beach! That is inspiring!

  20. Thank you for all of your lovely comments, you really cheered up my day!!

  21. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je te souhaite un Joyeux NoĂ«l ☃ ainsi que tous mes voeux pour l'annĂ©e 2015 afin que tout soit compris y compris le bonheur pour toi et tous ceux que tu aimes.

    Gros bisous ❄︎ ♡ ❄︎ ♡ ❄︎

  22. I LOVE that photo of your painting on the beach!!! All your sketches are so expressive here. How do you like your Tombow brush? I just bought a colorless brush-tip marker from Tombow, I'm going to try it for blending watercolor pencils when I do my house portraits. They seem to have pretty good stuff. I love their drawing pencils, particularly.


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