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Art before Breakfast and beyond

 Kitchen Interior
watercolor on paper, in my sketchbook
 I recently finished reading Danny Gregory's new book Art Before Breakfast: A Zillion Ways to be More Creative No Matter How Busy You Are. The book is full of helpful inspiring tips, great for those like me who find it impossible to fit creativity (of any kind) in a very engaging agenda.   
I'm hoping to get back to a weekly posting schedule.

Trying to capture the light while there is a solar eclipse outside...


  1. Lovely one Celia. I used to run before breakfast years ago and it was great and started the day out on a good note. But, I've never painted before breakfast. Although I am looking at this little canvas calling my name right now. LOL Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Carol! It is difficult to keep up over time. Have a great week!

  2. Hi Celia! Just painting , early morning or late evening is a treat. Nice job, hope you have a nice weekend!

    1. I agree Helen, thank you for your visit and kind words!

  3. Sketching is a great way to start the day!
    I like this sketch of your kitchen interior, so clean and sunny!
    Enjoy the day, Celia!

  4. Dear Celia - so glad to see your painting. I think I need to read that book as well. Going to check it out. In the meantime happy to see you capturing that eclipse. We couldn't see it in our part of the world. Hugs!

    1. Thank you Debbie! It was an incredible experience, especially the way the light and air change. The book is a quick read and I do love his drawing style. Have a great week!

  5. Elle est très jolie ton Aquarelle CĂ©lia ♥



    1. I appreciate your kind comment and visit Manon! Hugs!

  6. Turning an ordinary everyday to you scene into a creation, great Celia. I could paint any old time but the dog insists on walking before I get to my studio in the mornings

    1. He is more important Lorraine and it must be a nice way to clear your mind. Thank you for the visit!

  7. Everyday scenes like this make nice sketches!!! Good job! I watched a bit of Danny sketching his breakfast, but I have a hard time doing that most of the time because I'm too hungry. lol

    1. Me too Joan! Especially hate the idea of drinking cold tea and toast. :-(

  8. I always like to have a look in other people's homes, and I love your kitchen! You captured the light very well! I'll have a look at that book, sounds good!

    1. Thank you Judy, I would like to gain more practice with interiors.

  9. Dear Celia, what a great interior scene , there are a lot of different things to pay attention to, but you got it perfect , you should do more ! Really like this kind of subjects . Wishing you a nice sunday. xx

    1. Thank you Jane! I am not accustomed to painting interiors but had fun with this one.

  10. Bonsoir ma chère Célia,

    J'aime beaucoup cette aquarelle pleine de vie... Une peinture qui a une Ă¢me... La lumière qui illumine votre cuisine est superbement capturĂ©e dans votre oeuvre. Bravo !!

    ❀ Gros bisous ❀

  11. Bonsoir ma chère Célia,

    J'aime beaucoup cette aquarelle pleine de vie... Une peinture qui a une Ă¢me... La lumière qui illumine votre cuisine est superbement capturĂ©e dans votre oeuvre. Bravo !!

    ❀ Gros bisous ❀

  12. This is a gorgeous painting Celia - very sunny and vibrant! I can feel the spontaneity of it. You have inspired me to think more about painting interiors - I have always loved the genre but have done very few of them.

    1. Hi Wendy, thank you! It makes me happy to hear your impressions, I felt frustrated with this one! I really enjoyed seeing your watercolor sketch!

  13. Sounds like a good book. But... I won't do anything before breakfast! Love your kitchen, and the cheery, welcoming way that you portrayed it. That's how I would picture your home, Celia!

    1. Hi Katherine, it also provides you with other suggestions because I'm with you there! Thank you for your sweet words!

  14. Ola Celia! Love this kitchen painting! I also like checking out your face book page! I so love the way you rendered the light in this one. Nice to see the photo of your kitchen! Great fun! Michael

    1. Thank you Michael! I'm happy you noticed the light.
      I hope your shoulder is healing!! Take care

  15. Un petit coucou pour te souhaiter une belle journée



  16. Un petit coucou pour te souhaiter une belle journée



  17. A lovely sketch to start your morning with, Celia!!! You caught the light beautifully. Breakfast first...then

    1. I was not a morning person when I was younger but do love getting as much done early. I really love your barn painting, can't wait to see what you are working on! Have a nice weekend

  18. What a neat interior. Love the broom, watering can, plant - all the details that tell a story.
    I have never heard of the book but the title is great.

    1. I'm so happy you noticed the details Julie, thank you for your kind visit!

  19. Thank you for letting us see your clean kitchen. And your lovely sketch. Nice idea of doing art before breakfast.
    Celia, thank you for visiting my blog and for joining. I tried a while ago to join yours but I was not successful to upload my picture. Will try again later.

  20. I love this sketch and agree with the others-it would make a wonderful painting! The way you used color and light gives the scene such a welcoming feeling that I want to walk right in and grab a cup of coffee :-)


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