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Catching a Wave

Catching a Wave Sketch I
watercolor on paper

Catching a Wave Sketch II
watercolor on paper

Catching a Wave Sketch III
colored pencil in my sketchbook

Sitting by the seaside I can't help but be inspired by the beauty provided by waves and light. I have been trying to capture my impressions as the waves break in front of me. These are done on site only and are intended as observational practice, not as finished works of art. The ocean has my full respect, it is a very challenging subject. Constant change is a hard concept to grasp on paper.

I have also been busy filling up some of  my older sketchbooks. The warm weather makes it easy and I carry my supplies whenever possible, even on quick errands. I rely on my homemade sketchbooks the most. I prefer to choose the paper according to my needs, not always for watercolor. My daughter requested one as well! She loves to draw using graphite and colored pencil. She had very specific paper and size requirements, not an easy customer, the one that knows what she wants! I find summer is wonderful in encouraging new artists. They have more time at hand, no better way to spend the day than by drawing, especially with a friend.

I hope you are enjoying beautiful summer days! 
Thanks for stopping by!

more sketchbooks waiting to be filled

 my daughter's art: she loves colored pencils the most


  1. C'est très jolie, ça fait rĂªver... et le dessin de ta fille est Ă©galement magnifique! Vous avez toute les deux beaucoup de talent

    Gros bisous


  2. Wow! Okay one more time! Wow! I so love your wave paintings! You certainly have captured the essence and beauty of waves! I love the ocean so much Celia! These wonderful watercolor paintings made my day!
    Yippee Buddy!
    Michael Ocean!

    1. I am so happy you are back Michael! Thank you, I always love your ocean paintings!

  3. great wave sketches Celia, the ocean provides so much variety but not always easy to paint, it doesn't stay still

    1. It really does, thank you for your visit and comment, Lorraine!

  4. These are beautiful, Celia. Love,Diana

  5. Nice loose waves! They are not easy to paint since they change so quickly. Love the colors you used!! Looks like someone knows coptic binding. Did you make the sketchbooks?

    1. I am happy you like the colors, Joan! I made the sketchbooks, almost done with the two I made last year. The sketchbook on the right I made for my daughter. She needs a thick paper- 300gm.

  6. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis d'accord avec toi, dompter l'océan n'est pas simple... j'aime toutes ces belles nuances de bleu qui se confondent et me séduisent...
    Une belle famille d'artistes !

    Gros bisous ☼

  7. Beautiful quick capture of a difficult subject. Its all about color and movement in something like this and you got it! Also love your handmade sketch books.

  8. I love your wave paintings! Just gorgeous color and movement of the water. Isn't it fun painting the surf! And your daughter's art is lovely too. What a talented pair you two are :-)

    1. I wish I could paint them as well as you Ann but I do love to try! Thank you!

  9. I see there is a tough competition in the family :)) Your daughter is very skilled too ! I think that waves are fascinating and so difficult to capture , but you did some great impressions !

  10. Ah, your daughter has made a good choice! And there is nothing more exciting than an empty sketchbook! Your waves are magnificent. I so admire the way you can get the paint and water to work together to create the movement and energy like that!

  11. Dear's Celia - your waves are lovely my friend. Water can be so mesmerizing and inspiring. As for your daughter it looks like she has inherited her mother's talent. Excellent sketch she has done here. Hope you have a lovely summer day. Hugs!

  12. Bonne semaine Ă  toi gentille CĂ©lia ♥



  13. Bonne semaine Ă  toi gentille CĂ©lia ♥



  14. Waves are so fascinating, you've captured them beautifully!

  15. How wonderful to share painting and sketching with your daughter. Love the colour and movement in your water sketches.

  16. I was just by the water and can relate to the beautiful colors and movement you captured. You are a master of watercolor. ..I can tell you love it.
    Your daughter is so up to date with her work. I admire it very much.

  17. Nothing quite like waves in the ocean. I love the various blues in your painting!
    Very nice work! Your daughter's sketch is wonderful. She has inherited your artistic talent!

    1. I did have fun with the blues, so much color in the water, thanks for your kind words and visit Debi!

  18. Great studies on waves Celia. Not an easy subject to tackle. Love the sketchbooks. Lovely to see your daughter is being inspired by her talented mum. Aren't coloured pencils cool? I re-kindled my interest in them recently with urban sketching. Good to see you use them too. Have fun sketching.


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