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Left side of my painted with the old paint/ Right side painted with fresh professional grade watercolors

This week I have been doing a little housekeeping. I replaced the paints in my Winsor & Newton Cotman Sketchers' Box which I use for my sketchbook with fresh replacements. I was feeling frustrated by the colors in my sketches, I couldn't achieve the brightness and values I wanted. I finally decided to clean the palette and start over with a clean slate. The sketch on the left was painted with the old palette, the one on the right with the new. I feel like it gained some luster.

Fresh clean colors

Presently I need to get back to painting. I have a few projects in development which I hope to share soon!

Thanks for the visit!


  1. Les deux sont très beaux, les couleurs ressortent diffĂ©remment selon la lumière ♥

    Bisous et bonne semaine


    1. Thank you Manon, you are very kind! I wish you a wonderful last week of August!

  2. Good professional quality paints make all the difference in watercolor. Enjoy! Your new website looks great!

    1. It really does,thank you for your kind comment and for visiting my website!

  3. I agree the quality of pigment makes all the difference, good luck with your website upgrades I know it takes much time and brain power to get the tech stuff done

  4. Good idea to replace the colors with the professional grade paints. When I had my Cotman kit I had the same problem. I could never really get enough pigment to get a good color. Now I just use my good tube colors instead. It made such a difference in your painting on the right. Nice!! Working on websites takes such time...and patience. Good luck.

    1. I love your little travel case, I am still on the look out for one.Thanks for your support, Joan!

  5. Hi Celia, it looks good, I especially like your new painting on the right. Is Weebly free???take care, love to you, Diana

    1. Thanks Diana, it is fun to play with paint! Weebly is free, they offer upgrades which are not necessary. I made that mistake the first year. You do need to pay for your domain on a yearly basis.

  6. The new palette makes an amazing difference! Just had a look at your website, looks great!

  7. Hi Celia I agree with everyone's comments about professional grade. It makes a big difference to tone, vibrancy and textural effects achieved. Lovely new layout to your website. Good Luck with it all. Have fun.

    1. Thank you for your supportive comment and visit to my website! It is always wonderful to have your feedback!

  8. What a difference good quality paint makes! And it's always fun to freshen things up a bit. Your website looks fantastic too :-)

    1. I'm happy you agree! Thank you for the visit!

  9. Celia, well worth the effort. Wonderful sketch. I have found better tools do make a difference. Oh yes, Weebly, they run my art site. Very good.

  10. Yes Celia I do see the difference. Great move to get those artist paints out. Sounds like September will be busy with more new things to come. Have a great week friend.

  11. How nice to freshen up your paints - it certainly made for a more vibrant painting - love the shine you got on that lemon! I love your rose painting in the previous post too! I hope you're enjoying your summer!

  12. Celia, the Gelli printing is agel like substance which you roll paint onto, make textures or stamp and then print onto paper. It can then be used as background or just the print itself. If you go onto Pinterest you'll see hundreds of posts,
    ( I can get so lost on there) . Or just google and it will show you . Some people make their own printing plate using (yes)
    Gelatin. But easier to purchase the ready made plate. Sorry to go on about it here on your blog but looked for an email address for you. Hugs,

  13. Wow - it sure made a difference in the color. Your new colors are gorgeous. Good reminder that the professional quality is superior.
    I use Weebly too and am satisfied - I used to be on one I had to pay monthly for so I am really thankful for a free site.have a wonderful week.

  14. Oh yes there surely is a difference, I think you got what you were looking for, much clearer and brighter. Your website is neat, clean and very easy to use. Wish you a great weekend. xx


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