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It's Not Just For Guacamole

It's Not Just for Guacamole
watercolor on paper

I hope everyone's New Year is off to a great start!

I started this painting last year and set it aside for a while.  I worked from a cell phone image I took while preparing breakfast.

My work as it progressed, below...

My favorite way to eat avocado is on toast with a poached egg, I sketched it after Christmas. It keeps me full until lunch time.



  1. Yummie! And the painting looks great too!

  2. Bonjour chère Celia,

    J'adore cette, ces aquarelles de la vie, des petits moments pris furtivement... Elles sont magnifiques.

    Gros bisous 🌸

  3. I admire your work very much, it is full of sensation and joy!

  4. I love avocado's in any way and I love your paintings too . Never tried it on toast with an egg , looks gooood !! :-)

    1. Thank you , Jane! I recommend it, but squeeze some lime on the avocado. It makes it taste better.

  5. Great painting, Celia. The title made me smile.
    Now why am I hungry? :}

    1. I am so happy it had a positive affect on you, Chris! Thank you for your visit and comment!

  6. I find that avocado pit so interesting and so well done. Beautiful colors in the flesh of the avocado. Great job!!! I could reach in there and take a bite.

    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, Joan!

  7. Dear Celia - this is a lovely work of art. Your avocado certainly looks good enough to eat. With an egg hmm! May have to try this one. I love fresh homegrown tomatoes with scrambled eggs so maybe I would like this combo as well. There is such a sense of accomplishment when one finishes a painting that may have been sitting around waiting for it to be done. I have one in my studio that is calling me to complete it. Perhaps soon. Hugs!

    1. I can't wait to see what it is you are working on, Debbie! You always do such beautiful work. Thank you for your kind words and visit! Hugs :-)

  8. Hello Celia! Following you on FB now making an effort to get back to blogging! Love all your art! I always tell you I love the way you use watercolors! Loose and flowing! Bravo buddy!


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