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Showing posts with the label Marylin's Needs

A Call for Artists to Help

 Morning  Stream 21cm x 29,5 cm watercolor on paper  Available as a print I have donated my painting "Morning Stream" to be auctioned off (here) as a limited print. Donations will be benefiting Marilyn who has a progressive muscle disease - muscular dystrophy. Donations are needed to help fund Marilyn's "Tram" - a device  for transfers from wheelchair to bed, etc. Without it, she would need the services of a caregiver. You can read more about her story here . Kim Tysse, Marilyn's cousin, is organizing everything through a blog in order to find a way to help achieve enough donations to help her with this purchase. She is looking for artists to donate their artwork to be offered up as prints. There is no need to send the original art, just a good file that she can make prints. Any kind of support is nevertheless welcome! If anyone would like to help Marilyn, please  send your file here .   Marilyn is someone who has a...