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Showing posts with the label Michelle Endersby Art

All about Roses

 View of Rome from the Pincian Hill watercolor on paper 23 x 30.5 My friend, Michelle Endersby,  asked if I would enjoy doing a sketch of a rose in Rome for her monthly newsletter. Michelle's work has the most beautiful art inspired by roses and nature (click here to view her work). She shares her knowledge about roses, rose gardens, most importantly her current artworks. She has an amazing collection of roses from her personal garden, homeland of Australia and travels. (you can view them on her  Instagram page)   Rome has many beautiful gardens. My thoughts went back to a rose I remembered seeing in the Pincian Gardens. I always hoped to have the opportunity to go back to paint this image. I was lucky enough when I made it back up there to find roses to sketch, it happened to be just as the sun was setting.  The light became golden, sharpening the colors of the already beautiful subject for me. my sketch done on site --------------------...

A gift from afar

I received a beautiful bouquet in the mail last week. It came in the form of a book from my artist  friend Michelle Endersby. I love how she has chosen to paint roses in a larger than life circular canvas, giving a modern twist to a classic subject. Each painting is accompanied by an inspiring quote about roses. It is a book I enjoy again and again. Thank you, Michelle, for making me feel better! Awakening Around Roses is the name of Michelle's book and recent exhibition. Please pay her a visit  and read the inspirational story as to why she has chosen to focus on painting roses. She is remarkable as a person and as an artist! I also want to take the opportunity to express heartfelt gratitude for encouraging me during this time. I am happy to be feeling better, hopefully soon I will have some of my artwork to share... maybe even a rose painting inspired by Michelle!